Pass the Pumpkin

This is a lovely twist on a classic game: great for Halloween and Thanksgiving.
Good for kids from aged 8, teens, adults and families. It can be played indoors or out with any group of 8 or more.

Water Bottle Bowling

GET SET Make your pins at least a day before. 1 Prepare the bottles Remove the labels and tidy up the outside of the bottles. 2 Paint the bottles Remove the lids and squirt a small amount of paint into the bottom of each bottle. Choose colors to suit. Add a just few...

Panic Word: a favorite for adults and kids

Write 1 word on each index card. A noun is best, but you can also use adjectives and verbs.
Simple words are better, for example:
House, Car, Jet, Ski, Dog, Cat, Hot, Icy, Blink, Run, Skip.

Pick trickier words for an older group.
Stack your cards face down ready to play.
Group your people into 2 teams, roughly facing each other.

Bottle Blow

This game is simple. Players take it in turns to get up close to the pack of cards and blow just a couple of cards off the top of the pack. Players can blow as many or as few cards off as they want.

The aim is to avoid being the person who blows the last card off the bottle.

Cotton Ball Relay

Set up a large table, (or a bunch of tables) at one end of the room, for the cotton balls.
For each team:
– Place a bowl of 10 cotton balls on the table
– Nearby, put some vaseline on a plate, ready for people to dip theirs noses into

Cereal Box Game

Take turns to bend over and pick up an empty cereal box with your teeth.
Cut an inch off each round. Last one to succeed wins.

Black Magic

The guesser and the giver work together in this game. To play “Black Magic” you have one person, the “guesser”, close their eyes or face away from the group. Then, another person, the “giver”, silently points an object out to everyone else in the room. This object is now an “it” that the guesser has to guess.

Jelly Baby Mountain

This is a messy game, but one that kids love. Very popular for sleepovers.
Suitable for kids aged 7 upwards.

A bowl of flour. Balance a jelly baby on top. Take turns to remove a spoonful of flour.
Whoever makes the sweet fall must eat it without using their hands.

Donuts on a String

Hang up a load of donuts and get your kids to eat them without their hands

The Empire Game

GET SET Each person needs to think of a celebrity or famous name. They will be this person. Most of the kids will think of TV celebs and singers. The older adults usually go for politicians and people from the news and history. That’s all good, but if there are lots...

Corn Candy Lick and Stick

QUICK PLAY Race to lick and stick 30 corn candies to a paper plate. Once Halloween is done, you can use all the spare Candy Corn for this Thanksgiving Game. A neat cross over! It’s a lovely game for kids up to, and including, young teens. This would work well for a...

Bobbing For Apples
Harmless wet mayhem!

GET SET 1. Find a good location Outdoors it better, but can be cold in the Fall. Indoors is fine: just do it where the floor can get wet, or put down a plastic sheet. 2. Fill the tub ¾ full with slightly warm water. Don’t use freezing cold water as that’s just not...

Slap Snap

QUICK PLAY Play snap: slap the cards when you get a match! A brilliant game for adults and kids in particular. A little riotous, noisy and fun. Perfect for that moment when there’s a lull. YOU WILL NEED You just need a standard pack of playing cards. 3 or 4 players...

How to play the amazing Piñata

Piñata is a brilliant party activity for family, kids and anyone who enjoys a little bit of mad fun! It’s a great way to bring a party to a fitting climax. We love this one.

Either purchase your piñata, or to make it at home following the detailed steps here: How to make a brilliant piñata.
The preparation and decoration of the piñata is half the fun so don’t miss out on that.

How to make a brilliant Piñata

Piñata is a favourite for kids and adults. Great for birthdays and for family parties.

If I ask my 10 year old what her top game is for a party she calls out Piñata. What’s lovely about piñata is that it is decorative as well as fun to smash up at the end. Also, the act of making this colorful object is more than half the fun. Your kids will love it! It’s so much better than buying from a shop.

Balloon Stomp

A nice game to get kids running around. Fun for kids parties, family reunions, and summer events.
You need some open space outdoors, ideally on grass. Possibly indoors if you have a hall or indoor sports area.


QUICK PLAY Put on gloves, scarf, hat. Try to eat some chocolate with a knife and fork. Everyone else takes turns to shake a dice. Next person to throw a double takes over. One of the funniest games, highly recommended. Kids just love chocolate, plus they can be super...

Prize Ball

We recently discovered this game when I was checking out pass the parcel. Basically a massive ball of tape, full of prizes to discover. It’s a lovely idea which you can play at most parties. It works well for sleepovers, kids parties and for family events.